Cap Rando Selection : Trips organized by Cap Rando partners
Circular Inn to Inn trail ride
In camps and bedrooms
Level 3 :You must be able to walk, trot, canter and gallop outdoor

31.338710625377, -6.17038965

The landscapes are all in contrast to the foot of the central High Atlas. From the large palm grove of Skoura, oasis, almond groves and open valleys follow one another before the austere plateaus of Ait Zaghar dominated by M'Goun. It is the territory of the tribes of Imghrane and Ikandoulne, where small lost douars are hidden in the scenery. Still a few arid and desert areas giving the surrounding area a desert look, and you join the Valley of Roses, one of the most enchanting region of the Great South Morocco. You discover the gardens of the Atlas, with their beautiful kasbahs of ocher earth and their thousands of roses delimiting the fields and orchards irrigated by the seguias. Women and children pick rose petals in April, and in May, for three days, a moussem closes the harvest.

Programme intro


Day 1: Ouarzazate. Reception at Ouarzazate airport and transfer to the city.

Day 2: Ouarzazate - Skoura - Toundoute. Transfer to the oasis of Skoura, starting point of the horseback ride. Attribution of your horse and departure. Crossing the palm grove to reach an oasis for lunch. In the afternoon, departure to the north, on a desert plateau, to reach the Piedmont of the Central High Atlas for your first camp.

Day 3: Toundoute - Taoujgalt. Your route now runs along the beginning of the M'Goun e massif, in direction of the valley of Aït Ahmed. You cross several douars of the tribe of Imghrane, then lunch break on a plateau with a beautiful view of one of these villages. You then take a track between two mountains. New crossing of several douars to arrive at Taoujgalt.

Day 4: Taoujgalt - Ouzighriout. You ride up the bed of a wadi before crossing several douars of the tribe of Ikandoulne. To the north, the M'Goun, perhaps capped with snow, stands tall and imposing. After lunch, ride on a semi arid plateau where holm oaks and juniper trees abound. Arrival in the Ouzighriout valley.

Day 5 - Ouzighriut -Hdida. Today, you ride in the most beautiful valley of the south of the central High Atlas: the valley of the roses, but also valley of the kasbahs. You cross gorges, then the famous kasbah adobe, symbol of the wealth of Berbers. Lunch at Boutaghrar. In the afternoon you ride down the valley M'Goun with its picturesque villages to the village Hdida.

Day 6: Hdida - Dades Valley. You continue your ride along the valley of roses until Kelaa M'gouna (capital of the rose in Morocco, where each year a moussem, festival of roses begins in early May). Lunch at Kelaa M'gouna. In the afternoon you join the Valley of the thousand kasbahs and its gardens cultivated along the Dades.

Day 7: Dades Valley - Ouarzazate. Last stage riding along the valley. After lunch you leave this beautiful route to reach Ouarzazate by minibus. Late afternoon in Ouarzazate for a visit to the Kasbah of Taourirt, former monumental residence of Glaoui with its pink walls, crenellated towers and restored mud houses.

Day 8: Ouarzazate. End of your equestrian trip in Morocco. Transfer to Ouarzazate airport.

* The itinerary is given as an indication. It can be modified by the guide or the organizer for reasons of safety, bad weather or unforeseen circumstances. These events beyond their control may change the course of the hike but they will always make every effort to provide the best solution, including changing routes.


Sunday afternoon at Ouarzazate airport (free transfer). From Marrakech, you can take a bus to Ouarzazate, 3h30 drive, companies: SUPRATOUR or CTM. We can also book a taxi for you (around 70 € - 4 hours drive).

Sunday morning after breakfast. Free transfer to Ouarzazate airport. Bus or taxi to Marrakech.

Our trips do not include flights because it is generally more advantageous to book your transport yourself, avoiding agency commissions. We are at your disposal to help you find the best flight deals and possibly offer you a stay including flights: free service.


RIDING LEVEL: Horse riding in Morocco 
You must be able to walk, trot, canter outdoor, and in good physical condition. 

Up to 8 riders + guides. 

You ride 2-3 hours, 2-3 hours the afternoon at the 3 paces (walk, trot, canter) depending on the terrain. 

All rides are supervised by 4 people all from the same family: 2 on horseback and 2 assistants in charge of luggage transfers, camp and dinner preparation. The guide and the team speak French, the guide and most of the team speak English. 

horse riding trip in MoroccoHORSES:  
Arabic stalions, well balanced and safe horses. 

English saddles.


ACCOMMODATION: randonnee a cheval maroc & randonnee a cheval au maroc
First and last night at the hotel. Other nights in camps. Camps: a large mess tent is set up every evening, individual tents and comfortable mattresses are provided, a shower and external toilets are available. A team follows the hride with assistance vehicles, ensuring the camp preparation, transporting luggage, preparing meals. Some dates may be available with hotel accommodation every night.

HOTEL (subject to availability)
Les Jardins de Ouarzazate
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rando cheval Maroc dans le désert désert Maroc à cheval rando equestre Maroc désert

Evening meals are Moroccan (couscous, tagine chicken with vegetables, meat with vegetables, grilled meats ... desert, soup, mint tea, coffee. The Moroccan cuisine reputation is well established ! Drinks: mineral water, tea, coffee. Alcoholic drinks are not provided but it is possible to buy some before the start of your ride (purchase in stores in town). At noon, picnics are taken in saddlebags, often various Moroccan salads.

Infos tarif

960 €
Booking fees: 15 €
1050 €
Booking fees: 15 €

Horse and tack rental, guide, assistants, accommodation, all meals, drinks during meals (mineral water, tea, coffe), luggage transfers, transfer from/to Ouarzazate airport, our travel agent bond to guarantee your payments.

Individual insurance, extra drinks (out of meals and not include such as alcool and sodas), visits, tips, all that is not indicated in "THE PRICE INCLUDES".

A civil liability and travel insurance (assistance/repatriation) is compulsory. A cancellation insurance is strongly recommended.
A payment by credit card can make you benefit from its possible insurance (check your contract).
We offer to Europe Union, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway residents: the Chapka insurances.
Cap Security: full insurance with cancellation. Cap Cancellation: cancellation only.
See prices & information

Flights to Morocco are not included because it is more interesting to book directly your ticket: a transport package included is generally more expensive with agency commissions. However, we are at your disposal to help you find the best prices or to offer you a flight included package on request.

Dates From Infos Contact
- 960€ SOLD OUT Information request
- 1050€ CONFIRMED DEPARTURE Information request
- 1050€ LAST SPACES Information request
- 1050€ SOLD OUT Information request
- 1050€ CONFIRMED DEPARTURE Information request
- 1050€ CONFIRMED DEPARTURE Information request
- 1050€ Information request
- 1050€ Information request
Olga (France) - Mai 2024
Une équipe au petit soin avec nous: Hassan (le guide très professionnel), Ismael (l'accompagnateur et sa très grande jovialité quotidienne), et les 2 Mohamed (cuisinier -trop bon ! - et intendant - tout parfait).
Des règles de sécurité rappelées en permanence, une vigilance de tous les instants (la présence de Ismael en fin de file est très appréciée).
Toujours disponibles et à notre écoute.
Sellerie: Correct, toutefois avec une peau de mouton car sinon les selles sont un peu dures....
Hébergement: petit dej avec un pain différent chaque matin Repas du midi corrects Diners excellents Petits gouters avec un thé marocain => impeccable 
e prestataire local prend soin de ses chevaux et ils sont bien nourris.
L'équipe est très aimable, à l'écoute, fait en sorte que tout se passe bien. Les soirées sont très joyeuses et animées.
L'organisation (bivouac, etc.) est très bonne. 
On est vraiment en vacances, pour déconnecter.
Le prestataire local prend soin de ses chevaux et ils sont bien nourris.
L'équipe est très aimable, à l'écoute, fait en sorte que tout se passe bien. Les soirées sont très joyeuses et animées.
L'organisation (bivouac, etc.) est très bonne. 
On est vraiment en vacances, pour déconnecter.
Services Cap Rando: Réponses par mail très rapides. Les informations utiles dans le dossier de voyage sont bien là. Pas de manquement.
Véronique (France) - Mai 2024
Guides: Hassan & Ismaël - bonne humeur, détails sur la région, la population, mode de vie etc… bonne nourriture et ambiance conviviale
La rando étant en bivouac partiel, le confort était au niveau attendu - hôtel pour j’arrive et le départ était très correct - nourriture durant la rando était excellente
Nathalie (France) - Mai 2024

Guides, cuisiniers, intendance au top......... des gents adorables qui se plient en 4 pour vous.Les chevaux sont bien soignés. Très beau séjour. Décors de rêve... 
On refait ça l'année prochaine coté mer avec les mêmes guides j'espère ...
On n'est pas venu pour faire de l’hôtel / piscine.
Campement dans des tentes sur matelas. Cela fait partie du voyage...
Repas excellent , du fait maison. Les cuistos sont parfaits...


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