equestrian holiday in Canada

Canada on Horseback: Few countries in the world can offer so many choices to the rider. Discover the great outdoors of Canada and its extraordinary landscapes on horseback.
Western Canada is renowned for its stunningly beautiful landscapes: British Columbia's high mountain ranges give way to gentler landscapes of incredible beauty..
You can go on a horseback riding trail ride with evenings by the camp fire and camps in wild sites between Alberta and British Columbia, in the Canadian Rockies, or ride around a family ranch between mountains, high altitude lakes, and mountain pastures.

    rando a cheval colombie britannique
    Trips selected by Cap Rando agencies partners
    Stationary trail rides
    Level 2 : You must be able to walk, trot, canter in an arena or outdoor
    In 2-3 person bedrooms, single bedrooms with supplement
    From: 1590€
    8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    Ranch stay and horseback riding CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN

    Stay at an authentic Canadian cattle ranch. Participate in the daily work of the ranch. Practice barrel racing, lasso handling, work with cattle... And go horseback riding through beautiful landscapes: meadows, lakes, hills and canyons. In the evening, enjoy a barbecue around the fire and the local hospitality that will leave you with unique and precious memories for a lifetime. We invite you to this typical Canadian ranch !

    rando a cheval colombie britannique
    Trips selected by Cap Rando agencies partners
    Stationary and progressive trail rides
    Level 2 : You must be able to walk, trot, canter in an arena or outdoor
    In dormitories or bedrooms
    From: 2950€
    8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    Horseback trail ride in CANADA : BANFF NATIONAL PARK

    A week horseback ride in Canada through the wilderness of western Canada. Breathtaking mountain scenery in the Kananaskis Range, foothills of Canada's Rocky Mountains.
    A wild adventure. Five days on horseback where you will share with your horse unforgettable moments through breathtaking landscapes, friendliness, excellent cuisine on the camps, and the opportunity to learn as much as possible about horses and life in full of nature.

    Trips selected by Cap Rando agencies partners
    Stationary and progressive trail rides
    Level 2 : You must be able to walk, trot, canter in an arena or outdoor
    In camps and bedrooms
    From: 3000€
    8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    Horseback trail ride in CANADA : CAMP RIDING TRIP IN ALBERTA

    A week horseback ride in Canada through the wilderness of western Canada. Breathtaking mountain scenery in the Kananaskis Range, foothills of Canada's Rocky Mountains.
    A wild adventure. Five days on horseback where you will share with your horse unforgettable moments through breathtaking landscapes, friendliness, excellent cuisine on the camps, and the opportunity to learn as much as possible about horses and life in full of nature.

    Trips selected by Cap Rando agencies partners
    Stationary trail rides
    You must be able to walk and trot
    In 2-3 person bedrooms, single bedrooms with supplement
    From: 3500€
    7 days - 6 nights - 5 days riding

    Located in a truly beautiful part of the world with an abundance of nature, clean fast moving water, green fields and breathtaking mountain vistas you find a spectacular 35,000 acres guest ranch which offers the invigorating lifestyle of a working cattle ranch and reining horse training facilities - with exceptional lodgings and cuisine of a world-class resort. The ranch offers a whole world of fun things to see and do, including a complete range of horseback riding programs, hiking, mountain bikes, fly fishing, tennis, heated pool, hot tub, fitness facility or book a massage, its your vacation experience with true western hospitality.
    Here you can horseback ride to your heart's content, explore trails through the woods, crisscross the plateau or wander along a riverbank. How you spend…

    randonnee a cheval au canada
    Trips selected by Cap Rando agencies partners
    Stationary trail rides
    Level 2 : You must be able to walk, trot, canter in an arena or outdoor
    In 2-3 person bedrooms, single bedrooms with supplement
    From: 3995€
    8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding

    This week horseback trail ride in Canada, is designed for keen riders who want to experience the incredible wilderness of both Alberta and BC. You will have the ability to ride in the midst of the Rockies, in the gorgeous Kananaskis Country of Alberta and then explore Nipika Mountain Resort in BC.
    Over the duration of this ride, you will learn about wilderness horsemanship, the different types of nature in Alberta and British Colombia, and a myriad of other skills.

    Trips selected by Cap Rando agencies partners
    Stationary trail rides
    Level 3 :You must be able to walk, trot, canter and gallop outdoor
    In 2-3 person bedrooms, single bedrooms with supplement
    From: 4150€
    8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding

    The remote wilderness lodge and base for this trip is located at the north end of Chilko Lake, British Columbia, the gateway to Ts'yl-os Park. This is the dividing point between the stunning Coast Mountain range and the Chilcotin Plateau, where the crystal clear Chilko River winds its way down to the coastal watersheds. The area offers excellent riding country and superb world class fly fishing.Riding is a physical experience. It makes our senses come alive. It is the smell of a good horse, leather, the fresh scent of a pine or fir forest. It is the sound of cantering hooves, of crackling leaves, of horses snorting or a soft whinny. It is the sight of new country and spectacular vistas unexplored. It is the feeling of a strong animal beneath you, of you own strength and ability, and…


    Formalités d’entrée au Canada :



    Pour un séjour touristique ou d’affaires de moins de six mois, il n’y a pas d’obligation de visa pour les ressortissants français. Toutefois, toute personne exemptée de visa doit demander, suffisamment à l’avance, une autorisation de voyage électronique (AVE) sur le site officiel du gouvernement du Canada. L’AVE est valable pendant cinq ans. Liée électroniquement au passeport, elle prend fin au terme de la validité du passeport.



    Pour vérifier les informations spécifiques liées à l’épidémie de covid:



    Santé :


    image 2239

    Afin de faire face aux frais d’hospitalisation et aux dépenses de santé, très coûteux au Canada, il est indispensable de disposer d’un contrat d’assistance ou d’une assurance permettant de couvrir tous les frais médicaux (dont la chirurgie et l’hospitalisation) et de rapatriement sanitaire, au risque de ne pas avoir accès aux soins, y compris en cas d’urgence vitale. Ces frais ne pourront en aucun cas être pris en charge par l’ambassade ou les consulats généraux de France sur place.

    Le règlement des frais d’hospitalisation des voyageurs est exigible avant la sortie du centre hospitalier. Il importe de s’assurer que la compagnie auprès de laquelle le contrat d’assurance a été souscrit dispose d’une représentation ou de correspondants dans les provinces de l’ouest canadien.


    Pensez à contrôler votre vaccination antitétanique, à avoir avec vous votre attestation d’assurance, et le numéro de téléphone de votre assurance d’assistance: à communiquer à votre arrivée si vous ne l’avez pas renseigné lors de votre inscription.


    image-20210919152536-6: Voir les consignes et restrictions actualisées pour l’Alberta: https://www.alberta.ca/covid-19-public-health-actions.aspx


    * Vérifiez que le queer code de votre vaccination covid est bien valide sur votre portable, imprimez et emmenez votre attestation de vaccination.

    * Emportez vos médicaments habituels ainsi qu’une petite trousse de premiers soins (antalgique, pommade pour les coups, antiseptique, ... que nous ne sommes pas autorisés à vous fournir pour risque d’allergie ou contre-indication).

    Departure Destination Name From Infos Duration
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA : BRITISH COLOMBIA LAKES & MOUNTAINS 3150€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA : BRITISH COLOMBIA LAKES & MOUNTAINS 3150€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA : BRITISH COLOMBIA LAKES & MOUNTAINS 3150€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA: RANCH STAY IN SASKATCHEWAN 1650€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding
    - Canada CANADA : BRITISH COLOMBIA LAKES & MOUNTAINS 3995€ 8 days - 7 nights - 6 days riding