Balearic equestrian holiday
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    horse riding holiday in majorca
    Cap Rando Selection : Trips organized by Cap Rando partners
    You must be able to walk and trot
    In 2-3 person bedrooms, single bedrooms with supplement
    From: 1135€
    8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA

    A horse riding holiday in the wild countryside of Mallorca. You will be accommodated in a very comfortable finca with swimming pool, spa, sauna, jacuzzi, at a purebred Spanish horse stud, 20 minute drive from beaches. You can alternate lessons and trail rides in the beautiul nature of Majorca. The lessons are offered to beginners to acquire the basics of outdoor practice, and to confirmed riders to improve your dressage or jumping level. Discover below the different programs offered.

    horseback trail ride in minorca
    Cap Rando Selection : Trips organized by Cap Rando partners
    Circular Inn to Inn trail ride
    Level 3 :You must be able to walk, trot, canter and gallop outdoor
    In 2-3 person bedrooms, single bedrooms with supplement
    From: 1890€
    7 days 6 nights - 4 days 1/2 riding

    Horseback riding in Minorca along the coast of the island, following the ancient Camí de Cavalls: an ancestral trail that circles the island of Minorca on 186 km. It allows you to reach some of the most difficult to reach beaches in Minorca. This horseback trail ride will allow you to enjoy a landscape of rock formations and unique coves with crystal clear waters, and to discover the diversity of Minorca on horseback. You will ride in five stages, which will make you discover the steep landscapes of the North coast, and the limpid water coves of the South coast, and discover the diversity of Minorca declared a Biosphere Reserve in 1993.


    Les Baléares bénéficient d’un climat méditerranéen, avec des hivers relativement doux et humides, et des étés chauds et secs. Les températures varient entre 16°C en hiver et 32°C en été.
    Pritez des Baléares à cheval, de préférence entre mai-juin et septembre-octobre: les températures sont idéales pour les balades et les touristes moins nombreux. Les mois de juillet et août sont conseillés pour profiter d’une mer chaude.
    - L’hiver: plutôt doux avec des températures autour de 16°C en janvieret des pluies fréquentes. Ce n’est pas la période la plus conseillée pour découvrir les îles.
    - Le printemps et l’automne sont les saisons les plus propices pour découvrir les Baléares à cheval. Les pluies sont peu fréquentes, le soleil bien présent et les températures agréables. Le mois de septembre est idéal avec une température de 28°C et une eau à 25°C, vous pourrez vous baigner dans une mer chaude après une journée de découverte. A partir d’octobre, les précipitations font leur apparition.
    -En été, les précipitations sont faibles et les températures chaudes, jusqu’à 32°C. Vous pourrez profiter des plages notamment durant les mois de juillet et août où la température de ma mer monte jusqu’à 26°C.

    image 2020

    Pour les ressortissants européens, une carte d'identité ou un passeport en cours de validité suffit pour entrer en Espagne. Pour les ressortissants canadiens, un passeport valide.
    Voir le site:

    Voir les informations officielles et téléchargez les formulaires d’accès en Espagne

    Pour un séjour en Espagne, pensez à vous procurer la carte européenne d'assurance maladie. Il suffit d'appeler votre centre de Sécurité sociale (ou de vous connecter au site internet de votre centre) qui vous l'enverra sous une quinzaine de jours.
    Aucun vaccin n’est obligatoire, mais il est préférable d’avoir son rappel antitétanique à jour, surtout pour les activités équestres.
    Voir le site:

    Vérifiez la situation actualisée en Espagne:

    Departure Destination Name From Infos Duration
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1135€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1190€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1190€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Minorca MINORCA : THE CAMI DE CAVALLS TRAIL RIDE 1935€ 2 LAST SPACES 7 days 6 nights - 4 days 1/2 riding
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1190€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1190€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Minorca MINORCA : THE CAMI DE CAVALLS TRAIL RIDE 1935€ LAST SPACE 7 days 6 nights - 4 days 1/2 riding
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1190€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1190€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1135€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1135€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Minorca MINORCA : THE CAMI DE CAVALLS TRAIL RIDE 2000€ 7 days 6 nights - 4 days 1/2 riding
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1575€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1575€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1575€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1575€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Minorca MINORCA : THE CAMI DE CAVALLS TRAIL RIDE 2190€ 7 days 6 nights - 4 days 1/2 riding
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1575€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1575€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1575€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1575€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1575€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1575€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1575€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1575€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1575€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Minorca MINORCA : THE CAMI DE CAVALLS TRAIL RIDE 2190€ 7 days 6 nights - 4 days 1/2 riding
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1575€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Minorca MINORCA : THE CAMI DE CAVALLS TRAIL RIDE 2000€ 7 days 6 nights - 4 days 1/2 riding
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1575€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1575€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights
    - Mallorca BALEARIC: Training and Horse riding hollidays in MALLORCA 1205€ 8 days - 7 nights & Special 2 nights