Cap Rando Selection : Trips organized by Cap Rando partners
Stationary and progressive trail rides
En chambres et dortoirs
Level 3 :You must be able to walk, trot, canter and gallop outdoor
  • Small groups of 5 riders max.
  • Spectacular views
  • Wine and local product tastings
  • Last afternoon in a spa

44.296057451491, 5.4306187

On horseback trail ride in the "Drome Provençale": the Provence North gateway ! A unique ride in a contrasting universe: between lavender fields, apricot trees, varied forests with a view overlooking the valleys. Come and enjoy yourself in the heart of the Regional Natural Park of Provence Baronnies: a setting conducive to relaxation !

Image programme
rando cheval Drome
Programme intro

provence à cheval

Day 0 - Sunday: If you arrive the day before, welcome aperitif at your hotel in Nyons at 7 p.m. (hotel not included). Possible transfer from Montelimar train station at 5 p.m.

image-20230713152507-1Day 1 - Monday: Meeting at 8 a.m. at the parking of the Nyons tourism office, departure with your car or by minibus if you do not have a car, to the village of Sainte Jalle. The cars remain in a small parking at the entrance to the village, and then everyone is transported by minibus to the horses. Sainte Jalle - Saint Auban sur L'Ouveze. You meet your wonderful week partner: your horse ! You take the time to prepare him, to familiarize yourself with the tack, and your guide shares with you some specific notions of trail riding, always with the idea of making you feel comfortable and involved in your ride ! Direction South East today: a varied day, on the edge of the Sainte Jalle valley between lavender and apricot trees. You ride up to a pass that reveals a new valley where the "Ouveze" is flowing. It has its source on the mountain of "Chamouse" which you have as a point of reference throughout the second part of the trip. Once you arrive at the guesthouse chez Maricel and Xavier in their warm and tastefully decorated Franco-Cuban accommodation, the horses are in the park with unlimited hay and water and, after enjoying the swimming pool and a good shower: you enjoy your dinner in a restaurant before a good night's rest.

Day 2 - Tuesday: Today is a circular ride around the accommodation. A day where you will have the chance to discover the Claveliere mountain before returning to your guesthouse before dinner.

image-20230714174148-1Day 3 - Wednesday: Saint Auban sur l'Ouveze - Mévouillon. The day begins with a climb to quietly reach the heights of Mevouillon. Ridge line and 360° panoramas. You are very close to Chamouse: the easternmost point of this ride. You ride between scrubland, crops of aromatic plants, and especially lavender bouquets from the Mevouillon valley, to Louise's guesthouse where you have lunch and spend the night. Orane, your guide, invites you to discover a selection of wines produced in his father's vineyard.

Day 4 - Thursday: Mevouillon - Vercoiran. Head West ! A day with breathtaking views ! Leaving the Mevouillon valley, you pass through the adorable village of La Rochette sur le Buis, before reaching lavender fields where you can imagine yourself taking root: it's so beautiful ! In the evening you are welcomed by Albert: farmer in the Baronnies for generations. Now retired, he takes care of his guests in a simple and authentic setting. For the evening, Walter and Carine welcome you to their Provencal farmhouse renovated with taste and attention to detail. Enjoy the pool before the evening wine tasting followed by a tapas dinner !

image-20230714173831-1Day 5 - Friday: Vercoiran - Sainte Jalle. Northwest Cape ! Last day ! A morning that climbs, before joining the ridge line which takes you down into the valley of Sainte Jalle. Picnic on arrival at the horse pasture. After having thanked and greeted them, you take the road by minibus to the perched village of Villeperdrix. If the time permits: break at the "Perdicus" farm shop, producers of aromatic and medicinal plants, before joining: "the spa of the terraces" for 3 hours of relaxation with a breathtaking view of the mountains. You spend the last evening in the heart of the village of Villeperdrix, with Nathalie at the "gîte d'Angèle". You have the pleasure of sharing a good dinner to close this week at the Auberge du Moulin in the center of the village. Night in dormitory.

Day 6 - Saturday: End of the week which will leave you with beautiful memories and a warm nod to the Baronnies Provençales. You leave the accommodation after breakfast at 9.30 am at the latest. Possible transfer to Montelimar train station.

* Indicative itinerary that may be subject to modifications if necessary without compensation: weather conditions ...


Day 1 (Monday): Meeting at 8 a.m. in Nyons. Possible free transfer from Montelimar train station on Sunday at 5 p.m. Possible meeting aperitif at your hotel in Nyons on Sunday evening at 7 pm if you arrive 1 day earlier (night in a hotel in Nyons not included).

Day 7 (Saturday) after breakfast. Possible free transfer to Montelimar train station (departure at 9:30 am).


RIDING LEVEL: image 117
You must be comfortable and independent on horseback at the 3 paces (walk, trot and canter outdoors) and in good physical condition: on foot for steep passages.

From 16 years old. Max weight: 85kg.

3 to 5 riders + the guide.

Average of 4-6 hours riding every day. The terrain remains mineral and sometimes very stony (passages on foot). The main pace of the is the walk, however you will have the pleasure of trotting and cantering when the terrain allows it.

Orane, qualified English speaking guide who has guided our rides in Provence a lot + 1 assistant ensuring the transfer of luggage with an assistance vehicle.


Local crossings, of medium size, selected for their character and adapted to this type of ride. Horses are allocated after discussion with your guide, based on your height, weight, level and experience.

Each horse is equipped with a trail ride saddle with saddle bags to carry the picnic, a water bottle and your little things for the day.

By support vehicle.


ACCOMMODATION: image-20230713125825-1
5 nights in bedrooms, 1 night in dormitory.

INDICATIVE ACCOMMODATION (subject to availability):

Nights 1 & 2:
image-20230713145837-1 Atelier Rio Provence
Night 3:
image-20230713153019-1 Les écuries du Lou Blanc

Night 4:
image-20230713150221-1 La Ferme du Gravas

Night 5:
image-20230713135536-1 Gite d'Angele

Every evening: meals are taken in restaurants or at the guest tables of the guest houses. At noon: picnics are taken in saddlebags. A particular attention is paid to the quality of meals and products. A discovery of local and seasonal products.

By support vehicle or by the accommodations.

Infos tarif

1500 € in shared 2-3 person bedrooms and dormitory.
Single bedroom supplement (certain nights subject to availability) *: contact us
Transfers to/from Montelimar station: free at the fixed times.
Booking fees: 15 €
- If you book in shared rooms and we do not have a rider registered to share, a “single room” supplement may be charged and refunded if a person registers who also wishes to share.

Horse and tack rental, guide, assistant, accommodation, all meals, 1 glass of wine at the table (restaurants) 1/4 botttle (guesthouses), tastings, access to the spa, free transfers from/to Montelimar train station at fixed times, the financial guarantee of your payments by our travel operator deposit.

Individual insurance, drinks out of meals and not included, Sunday night hotel, visits, tips, all that is not indicated in "PRICES INCLUDE".

A civil liability and travel insurance (assistance/repatriation) is compulsory. A cancellation insurance is strongly recommended.
A payment by credit card can make you benefit from its possible insurance (check your contract).
We offer to Europe Union, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway residents: the Chapka insurances.
Cap Security: full insurance with cancellation. Cap Cancellation: cancellation only.
See prices & information

Infos calendrier


Anne (France) - Juillet 2023

Ce fût une magnifique semaine pour moi sur tous les points de vue : cheval, paysages, gastronomie et rencontres humaines !
Merci Orane pour ton sérieux et ta bienveillance envers les chevaux, nos hôtes et les cavaliers qui nous ont faits nous sentir vraiment bien tout au long de la semaine !
Un gros bisous à tout le groupe et vivement que l'on remette ça !

Alice (Belgique) - Juillet 2023

Merveilleuse randonnée.
Orane traite les chevaux avec respect. Elle partage avec les cavaliers sa relation avec les chevaux, elle est très attentive au bien-être du groupe et le fait de manière informelle et spontanée: cela relie l'ensemble du groupe de cavaliers et leurs chevaux.
Les journées à cheval sont soigneusement préparées et vous vous retrouvez dans de beaux endroits qui seraient pas si évidents de découvrir autrement qu'à cheval.
J'ai beaucoup de respect pour cette guide charmante et joyeuse.

Perinde (Suisse) - Juillet 2023

La randonnée à cheval dans les Baronnies provençales a été une expérience extraordinaire ! 
Les saveurs locales étaient à tomber par terre, avec des délices culinaires, accompagnés de vins locaux, qui ont ajouté une touche spéciale à cette aventure équestre. Les paysages de lavande et les champs d'abricotiers à perte de vue étaient tout simplement à couper le souffle. La vue du sommet des différents cols traversés nous a offert des paysages spectaculaires qui resteront gravés dans ma mémoire.
Les hôtes de cette randonnée ont été choisis avec soin, leur hospitalité et leur gentillesse ont rendu l’expérience encore plus agréable. Ils étaient toujours prêts à partager leur passion pour la région et à nous faire découvrir les trésors cachés des Baronnies provençales.
Les chevaux étaient incroyables. Ils étaient calmes mais dynamiques, sûrs et magnifiques. Cette confiance en mon cheval m’a permis de profiter pleinement de chaque instant. Une bulle de bonheur.
Mais ce qui a vraiment rendu cette randonnée spéciale, ce sont les moments d’amitié partagés avec les autres participants. Nous avons ri, vécu des moments intenses et créé des souvenirs inoubliables. Les cigales nous ont accompagnés tout au long du chemin, ajoutant une ambiance typiquement provençale à l’aventure.
Et que dire de notre guide Orane... une personnalité solaire et rassurante qui sait créer un esprit d'équipe et qui gère le tout d'une main de maître alliant douceur, professionnalisme et amour des chevaux.
En résumé, cette randonnée à cheval dans les Baronnies provençales a été une expérience de rêve. Tout le groupe a vécu des moments uniques et je ne peux évidemment que recommander vivement cette aventure équestre à tous les amoureux de la nature, du partage, de la bonne cuisine, de la culture et des chevaux. Merci Orane, pour tout.

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